13 Reasons Why Quotes

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Jessica Davis: I know my speech was... Well, people had different opinions on my speech. And yeah, the administration did talk to me about it, but the thing they were mostly upset about was the profanity. I was like, "Seriously? That's what you heard?" F*ck that! I'm pissed off. I'm gonna be pissed off until things actually change. Until the predators and the rapists are gone for good. Never again.

Clay Jensen: Are you... Are you okay?

Justin Foley: No, man. No, I'm not. I'm... I'm f*cking sad.

Clay Jensen: You... You are?

Justin Foley: Yeah, I've known him since I was eight. He was the first person that gave a sh*t about me, the first person to look after me, man. He was my f*cking brother.

Clay Jensen: I feel like he didn't look out for you, though.

Justin Foley: Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Okay, Clay? You don't know everything. You think you have this idea that... You knew what you knew. He was a f*cking person, Clay. A human being. Now he's f*cking dead.

Nora Walker (to Chloe): Men are cruel to prove they're not weak, but they doth protest too much. I was raised by a cruel man, and I escaped him by marrying another. The only difference was Dad used his fist and Barry used silence. And neither of them should have been fathers. My son is no different, Chloe. In fact... I think he may be worse.

Jessica Davis: You know what? F*ck you, Monty! F*ck all of you jocks. I was raped by the king of the school and I stayed silent. I protected the jock who raped me because... I don't know. Because I thought it would hurt more to speak up... because I thought it would ruin my reputation. But I am no longer staying quiet. No more! So, here's my promise. If you elect me, I will take down the jocks at this school. Put an end to their bullsh*t. I will not tolerate the ones who protect them, and I will demand that their victims no longer remain silent. Because their silence destroys us all.

Ani Achola (narration): I'm a liar. No question. The truth can be dangerous. Lies are easier. Until they aren't anymore.

Zach Dempsey: Come on, Charlie. Hustle. You got beat on Friday.

Charlie: Nah, you got beat on Friday! I just sucked.

Ani Achola (narration): These kids were connected by their secrets. Connected and forever changed.

Clay Jensen: Tyler, they know you're hurting, we all are. And I don't know what to do about it, either. Okay? I tried hurting other people. I tried hurting you, and it didn't f*cking help, man. It doesn't do any good. Listen to me. It doesn't! Tyler, listen. You don't get out of this alive. And I don't want you to die. I-I don't want you to die. If you think this is the way, if you really think this'll change a godd*mn thing and not just be another f*cking tragedy that adults cry about for a week and then forget, if you really think this is gonna be different, then do what you gotta do.

Clay Jensen: The next time someone is in desperate need... and they're about to make a terrible mistake, what do we do? Do we look the other way? Do we just protect ourselves or do we help them? Do we do whatever we can to save them? I think I know what Hannah would want us to do.

Clay Jensen: How can we find joy in our lives... in this world after Hannah? How do we take what hurts most? Take the darkness and turn it into light? I think the answer is we love each other. Easy to say. But what do we do when it's hard to love?

Olivia Baker: I wasn't sure if I should share this with you, but after hearing what you said, I think... I think it's all right. I found it on one of the old computers when I was cleaning up the store. Hannah wrote it.

Clay Jensen: "Reasons why not."

Olivia Baker: You're on there. At least once, possibly twice. Did... did she call you "Helmet"?

Clay Jensen: Yeah, she did.

Olivia Baker: Eleven reasons. She came up just short. But she left so many out. You know that, don't you? No matter how many reasons there might be "why," there are always more "why not."

Clay Jensen: Me and my parents... wanted to see if you might want them to adopt you.

Justin Foley: Wait, what?

Clay Jensen: Like, adopt you into our family.

Justin Foley: You mean, like, I'd be your brother?

Clay Jensen: Well, I'm-I'm not familiar with all the lingo, but...

Justin Foley: Wait. Why are you asking me and not them?

Clay Jensen: Because it was their idea, to be honest. And at first, I thought it sounded, um... idiotic. And they left it up to me, seeing as I was the person who brought you in their life in the first place. And... maybe it's a good idea, so... Are you... Are you crying?

Justin Foley: You know I'm, like, really f*cked up, right?

Clay Jensen: Well... A, yes. But you're clean and going to meetings. And B, I'm also f*cked up in certain ways, so...

Justin Foley: Okay, yeah. I'd like to be adopted, yeah.

Clay Jensen: Okay. Cool.

Clay Jensen: How do we take care of ourselves and look after each other? And celebrate Hannah's life and let it remind us to hold on to each other... and to the precious time we have? Everything affects everything. Everyone affects everyone.

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