Kanan Jarrus Quotes

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Seventh Sister: Such a handsome face.

Kanan Jarrus: I don't go for crazy... anymore.

Seventh Sister: That's all right, I prefer brains.

(After they land...)

Kanan Jarrus: Keep it running in case things...

Hera Syndulla: In case things go like they usually do?

Kanan Jarrus: Pretty much, yeah.

Hera Syndulla: Kanan, do your thing.

Kanan Jarrus: Actually, Ezra, you take this one.

Ezra Bridger: Okay. Okay. I got this. I got this. "You're going to abandon ship."

Imperial Captain: I will not abandon my ship.

Ezra Bridger: "You are going to abandon ship."

Imperial Captain: We are going to abandon ship. The fire in hangar bay three is out of control. Abandon ship. Get to the escape pods.

Ezra Bridger: "Uh... I really mean it." This is the captain.

Imperial Captain: I really mean it. This is the captain. Get to the escape pods. Abandon ship. The fire is out of control.

Ezra Bridger: "You should get going."

Imperial Captain: I should get going. (leaves)

Kanan Jarrus (nervously): How do I look?

Ezra Bridger: Hmm, same as always. Why?

Kanan Jarrus: No reason. Straighten up a little bit. You're making me look bad.

Ezra Bridger: What's the matter with you?

Kanan Jarrus: Nothing. Just calm down.

Ezra Bridger: You calm down.

(Cham Syndulla walks in...)

Hera Syndulla: It's been a long time, Father.

Cham Syndulla (to Kanan): Ah. You must be the Jedi I've heard about.

Kanan Jarrus: Jarrus. Kanan Jarrus. I've... Heard a lot about you too, sir. This is the rest of our crew. (Points at Sabine): Ezra, (points at Zeb): Sabine and (points at Ezra): Zeb.

Hera Syndulla: I hear we're taking prisoners now.

Kanan Jarrus: I like to think of him more as a reluctant recruit.

Sabine Wren: It was better than the alternative. We're not at war with the Protectors. There was no need to take their lives if we didn't have to.

Hera Syndulla: Hmm. Sabine, you're sounding more like a Jedi than a Mandalorian.

Sabine Wren: Well, I guess I've just been raised right.

Kanan Jarrus: Are you feeling better now? You got to blow stuff up.

Sabine Wren: I thought you'd be happy I didn't kill anyone.

Kanan Jarrus: Actually, I'm thrilled.

Sabine Wren: I think I brought enough explosives.

Kanan Jarrus: You always bring enough explosives.

Kanan Jarrus: We need to recruit the Mandalorians to join the rebellion.

Sabine Wren: The Protectors almost killed Hera. What are you thinking?

Kanan Jarrus: I'm thinking we can still offer them a chance to change. Everyone deserves a chance.

Sabine Wren: You know, this Jedi philosophy stuff doesn't work for everyone.

Kanan Jarrus: That's why we're at war.

Kanan Jarrus: Secure the third ship. I'll handle the walker.

Leia Organa: Handle the walker? How?

Ezra Bridger: Just trust us. Go!

Kanan Jarrus (to Ryder): Unlock that ship! (ignites his lightsaber)

Ryder Azadi: He's a Jedi!

(Kanan is approaching the walker...)

Stormtrooper #1: Look! What's that?

Stormtrooper #2: I don't think he's on our side.

(Kanan and Ezra are disguised as stormtroopers to help Leia on her mission...)

Leia Organa: Where's the rest of your team?

Kanan Jarrus: They'll be here, eventually.

Leia Organa: Good. Then you can steal my ships.

Kanan and Ezra: What?

Leia Organa: I'll explain later. First I have to deal with the lieutenant. Follow my lead and try and keep up.

Ezra Bridger: Wait. Why does she get to give orders? I don't get to give orders.

Kanan Jarrus: Do you ever listen to yourself?

Ezra Bridger: Yes, and I happen to be very interesting.

(Ezra wants to go back to Lothal...)

Kanan Jarrus (to Ezra): I know you have to go, but that doesn't mean you have to go alone.

Hera Syndulla: We support you. We're family.

(Kanan and Rex are bickering...)

Ezra Bridger: Will you two quit it already? Part of the reason I took this mission was to get a break from this! Okay, Chopper and I will meet you at Sato's ship.

Kanan Jarrus (to Rex): He takes after Hera sometimes.

(Kanan and Rex wake up from being unconscious...)

Kanan Jarrus: What just happened?

Ezra Bridger: Oh. Uh... Did you see them? We were so outnumbered. There was a firefight. A big firefight, actually. You guys fought great.

Kanan Jarrus: Thanks. All I saw was you.

(Chopper shows them holorecording of what happened...)

Kanan Jarrus: You shot us! I can't believe you shot us!

Ezra Bridger: I mean, you, you were dressed like stormtroopers.

Kanan Jarrus: Yeah!

Captain Rex (laughs): You shot us.

Ezra Bridger: I set it to stun.

Captain Rex: Yeah, well, you should've used kill.

Kanan Jarrus: What!?

Captain Rex: Well, just in case it wasn't us. I mean...

Kanan Jarrus: This armor doesn't protect you from anything.

Captain Rex: Well, I told you.

(In an Imperial shuttle; Kanan, Rex and Chopper are disguised as Imperials...)

Captain Rex: If we don't get some help soon, we're gonna have a 3376 on our hands. I don't think you're gonna want to have a 3376 off your starboard side, now, would you, sir?

Flight Control: Shuttle S257, requesting your emergency access code.

Captain Rex: Copy that, sir. Priority protocol 7...

Kanan Jarrus (whispers to Chopper): This is the stuff I can't stand, protocol nonsense.

Flight Control: Stand by for code check.

Captain Rex: Cody and I practically invented these emergency protocols back in the Clone War. Trust me, the codes are good.

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