Jack Kline Quotes

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Jack: Since I've been alive, everyone assumed I would be this special "person" who goes on forever. Only now it looks like forever might be a couple of weeks, so...

Dean Winchester: We don't know that.

Jack: What I do know is I'm done being special. Before my life is over, I want to live it. I-I just want a chance to... get a tan... to see a hockey game... get a parking ticket... get bored... and when it's all over... die.

Sam Winchester: Listen, I-I don't know how well you got to know our... our... our friend Jack with everything that was going on when you were here, but we've sort of been taking care of him, and, uh, he's, um... Lucifer's son.

Rowena: Goodbye.

Sam Winchester: No, no, no. Stop, stop. He's a great kid. His mother was a fantastic human being, a-a-and he wanted nothing to do with Lucifer, w-who is dead, as you know.

Rowena: I hope he's rotting.

Sam Winchester: Yes, but Lucifer stole Jack's grace, so he's powerless now, and... and something's going on with him, and he might die.

Rowena: Oh, splendid! The sooner the better! From what I know of the father, the world will be better off without the son.

Jack: You might be right. We're all still figuring that out. I'm Jack. And I know people have a lot of strong feelings about my father, but I'm... I'm trying hard not to be like him. Sam and Dean, they... they say such nice things about you.

Rowena: They do?

Jack: You saved all of us... from Apocalypse World.

Rowena: Well, that's true.

Jack: So, before you go, I... I just wanted to say... thank you.

(Jack starts coughing)

Sam Winchester: Jack. Hey, buddy. Hey. You're all right.

Rowena: Bollocks.

Castiel: The plan is to subdue him using angel cuffs and spell work. They have to get Michael out of Dean.

Jack: And if he doesn't leave?

Castiel: Then they'll try to drive him out.

Jack: And if that doesn't work?

Castiel: Jack...

Jack: Cas, Michael has to be stopped.

Castiel: I know, and he will be, after Dean is...

Jack: No, Dean doesn't matter. You're all so focused on trying to save Dean. And I get it, I understand, but if he can't be saved, if it comes down to him or Michael... Michael has to be stopped. Caged or killed...

Castiel: And if that means that Dean dies, too!?

Jack: Then Dean dies. I know this Michael. I've seen what he's done to an entire world, and so have you. If stopping that from happening here means that Dean has to die, then... Do you think he'd want it any other way?

Castiel: At the time of the Great Fall, when the angels were banished from Heaven, I lost what I thought was everything. I had no grace, I had no... wings. I felt hopeless and useless.

Jack: What did you have left?

Castiel: Well... Well, I had Sam and Dean. But I had something else that was extremely helpful. I had myself. Just the basic me, as... as Dean would say, without all the bells and whistles. You know... Sam and Dean, they weren't born with their expertise. They've been at it since they were children. Failing, winning, developing over the years. Patience... persistence... Those are skills, too. The past, where you came from, that's important, but it is not as important as the future and where you're going.

Castiel: You did well.

Jack: All I did was get punched... in the face.

Castiel: Well, to be fair, we all got punched in the face.

Jack: That's not... Before, when I had my powers, I-I could have done something, and...

Castiel: Jack. You don't... You... You don't have your powers. And you... Your grace should regenerate in time, but until then...

Jack: I'm useless. I can't kill demons, I can't find Dean, and Michael is in our world, and I can't stop him. I can't do anything. I don't have anything.

Castiel: Oh, Jack, that's just not true. You've got me. You have all of us. You have your family. And... And we are going to find Dean and we are going to beat Michael and we're going to do it together. We... Because that's what we do.

Bobby Singer: Life's a little different when you can't just zap people around, huh?

Jack: A lot different.

Bobby Singer: Yeah. You'll get used to it. Truth be told, this stuff didn't come all that easy for me, either. Had my ass handed to me more times than I can count.

Jack: But you kept fighting?

Bobby Singer: You got to. As a wise man once said, “It ain't how hard ya hit. It's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward”.

Jack: Was that Gandhi?

Bobby Singer: Probably. Yeah, somethin' like that. Yeah.

Lucifer: Good try, Dean. I'll give you that, buddy. I'm not just powerful now. I am power. And I don't need a blade to end you, pal.

Sam Winchester: Dean! (Sam throws the archangel blade to Dean)

Lucifer: Bye-bye, Dean.

(Dean stabs Lucifer with it)

Jack: Is he...

Sam Winchester: He... he's dead.

Dean Winchester: Holy crap.

Sam Winchester: You did it.

Dean Winchester: No. No, we did it. We did it.

Sam Winchester: You can stop him, Jack. You can get your power back.

Jack: No, I-I c-can't. I can't beat him. But you can.

Sam Winchester: What?

Jack: I know you can.

Sam Winchester: No, no, no, no, no. Jack. Don't! Jack! Jack!

Jack: I love you. I love all of you. (Jack stabs himself, but Michael!Dean arrives)

Lucifer: So what?! I killed the girl! Big deal! She's a... she's a human! She doesn't matter!

Jack: So am I!

Lucifer: Yeah? And that's your problem. You're too much like your mother.

Castiel: What, and you're just gonna leave the rest of us here to burn?

Lucifer: Okay. Hold on a second. Let's slow down, 'cause I... I'm not currently the bad guy here.

Sam Winchester: Yeah, tell that to Maggie.

Jack: What about Maggie?

Sam Winchester: Maggie saw the eyes of the person who killed her... the glowing, red eyes.

Lucifer: You're gonna... you're gonna believe this guy? Come on, man! Sam's a hater! He would say anything to get you on his side.

Jack: Tell me. Tell me the truth!

(Jack compels Lucifer to tell the truth)

Lucifer: She saw me when I was scouting out the bunker. She saw me and she screamed, and then... so I crushed her skull with my bare hands. And it was warm and wet, and I liked it.

Jack: You're not my father. You're a monster.

Sam Winchester: How many are inside?

Castiel: I can hear three. Wait, maybe... maybe four. They're talking about whether Kylie Jenner would make a good mother. The consensus is no.

Dean Winchester: Yeah, well, that's why I'm a Khloé man. All right, we're talking werewolves, which means...

Jack: Silver bullets.

(In Sam's dream...)

Castiel: Dean, you can't possibly eat another. That's your seventh piece.

Dean Winchester: No, it's not.

Jack: Castiel's right. I counted.

Dean Winchester: Okay, first, don't be a narc. And secondly, seven pieces is perfectly normal.

Sam Winchester: Uh, it's really not.

Dean Winchester: It's not even a whole pie.

Jack: Was he always like this?

Mary Winchester: Even as a baby. John and me, we used to call him our little piglet.

Dean Winchester: All right, I'm done.

Mary Winchester: With love.

(Sam and Mary leave the room and Dean signals Cas to send another box of pizza across the table to him)

Jack: I had to come back. Sam and Dean, they wouldn't run. They'd stay and fight. These angels, what they're doing, they're not gonna stop. As long as Michael's out there, this war will never be over.

Bobby Singer: So what are you saying?

Jack: I have to kill him.

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