Robin Ward: Excuse me, sir? Hi. I'd like to make an appointment for you to come over and... lay some cable.
Hughie Campbell: Okay. Uh... oh, Robin. Oh, dear, dear, Robin. Um, that doesn't mean what you think it means.
Robin Ward: Um, "laying cable" means sex.
Hughie Campbell: No, "laying pipe" means sex. "Laying cable" means you want me to come over to your house and just take a big, old sh*t.
Robin Ward: That's disgusting.
Hughie Campbell: Well, okay. But you... Who-who said it, though?
Robin Ward: Okay. Are you ready? Despite your best efforts, I'm actually still hungry.
Hughie Campbell: I'm actually more hungry now.
Robin Ward: Where are we gonna go after all this hot talk? You know?
Hughie Campbell: I don't know. More importantly, where are we gonna go to lay some cable afterwards?