Benedict Bridgerton Quotes

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Colin Bridgerton: It is meant to be a sipping spirit.

Benedict Bridgerton: Have you not heard? The viscount believes in hurrying things along these days. First the wedding, now his drink. I hope, for Edwina's sake, the tendency stops before the honeymoon.

Anthony Bridgerton: Have you always been so vulgar, or has staring at naked models all day turned your brain to charcoal?

Benedict Bridgerton: The Royal Schools have accepted me as a student. I got in!

Colin Bridgerton: I thought they were not the arbiters of taste?

Benedict Bridgerton: They must see great promise in my work. Oh my! (opens the windows and leans out of it) You shall all bear witness to my talents!

Colin Bridgerton: Shh! It's the middle of the night!

Eloise Bridgerton: He will be as insufferable now as you.

Benedict Bridgerton: "What is it, truly, to admire a woman? To look at her and feel inspiration. To delight in her beauty. So much so that all your defenses crumble, that you would willingly take on any pain, any burden for her. To honor her being with your deeds and words." That is what the true poet describes.

Anthony Bridgerton: You should apply yourself more often, Benedict. Write that down.

Anthony Bridgerton: I thought this sort of thing was supposed to be your pleasure.

Benedict Bridgerton: Poetry, yes. Byron, heavens, no.

Anthony Bridgerton: Is not everyone supposed to love Byron?

Benedict Bridgerton: Many in our year at Cambridge thought my poetry far superior to his.

Anthony Bridgerton: Does that mean yours is more or less deceitful?

Benedict Bridgerton: Deceitful?

Anthony Bridgerton: Mmm.

Benedict Bridgerton: Poetry is the opposite, Brother. It is the art of revealing precious truth with words.

Anthony Bridgerton: Quite right, Brother. You... You're being serious?

Benedict Bridgerton: Mm-hmm.

Anthony Bridgerton: Good God. Good night.

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