Alex Claremont-Diaz Quotes

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Alex (to Henry): I've never felt this way about anyone. It's like there's a rope attached to my chest and it keeps pulling me towards you. And it feels so right. What I mean to say is, Henry... I... Henry?

(Henry jumps into the water before Alex is able to finish his love confession and even runs off back to England)

Alex: I've been thinking.

Henry: I seriously doubt that.

Alex (mockingly): "I seriously doubt that."

Alex (about Henry): So you like him?

Oscar: What's not to like?

Alex: I wasn't sure if you needed to have, like, a Catholic moment about it or...

Oscar: Please. Have a little more faith in your old man. You are, after all, talking to the patron saint of gender-neutral bathrooms in Austin, you little sh*t.

(Alex and Nora bring Henry and Percy to the vacation home...)

Alex: Watch out! Here comes British Invasion!

Nora: Oh, we found them hitchhiking in Austin.

Ellen: Can I give you some advice?

Alex: Yeah, of course.

Ellen: You need to figure out if you feel forever about him before you take this any further. A relationship like this will define your life.

Alex: I don't know if we're there yet, Mom. I don't know if we ever will be.

Zahra: Would it make any difference if I told you not to see him again?

Alex: No.

Zahra: Every time I see you, it takes another year off of my life.

Alex: Please don't tell my mom.

Zahra: Seriously? Alex, we are in a hotel crawling with reporters, in a city filled with cameras, on the precipice of the biggest event of the campaign, in a race so close it could be arrested for assault, and you're asking me not to tell your mommy on you?

Alex: Well, I haven't told her yet.

Zahra: Oh, gee, kid, I'm sorry to interrupt your process of becoming, but you're the one who decided to put your d*ck into the heir to the British throne.

Henry: Well, technically, I'm the spare.

Zahra: Not talking to you, sir.

Henry: Okay.

Zahra: How long has this been going on?

Alex: Since New Year's.

Zahra: Oh, God. And who knows about this?

Alex: Literally no one but you. And the Secret Service.

Henry: And Percy.

Alex: Right, and Nora.

Henry: Oh, and I told my sister.

Alex: Aw, I didn't know that.

Henry: Yeah, she was really happy for us.

Alex: Oh, I can't wait to see her again. She's really...

Zahra: Okay. Shut up, okay? The both of you. I need to think.

Alex (to Henry): My father was 12 when my abuela brought him and his sister over from Mexico. You may not understand this, but in America, if you're an immigrant with a "Z" in your last name, there's not a lot of people in positions of power that look like you or sound like you. I've been given a chance to be someone in the world that my father didn't see when he was growing up.

Henry: Is there any part of you that... wishes you weren't the son of the president? Or that your family wasn't in politics?

Alex: I actually wish I could help more. It's gonna be a tough campaign.

Henry: You really do love it, don't you?

Alex: Yeah, I really do. To devote your life to helping others? To know that what you do has a meaningful impact on people's lives? I know it's my life's work.

Alex: I can't believe how wrong I was about you.

Henry: Most people are.

Alex: There's something I've been dying to ask you.

Henry: Which other famous boys have I shagged?

Alex: There's two things I've been dying to ask you.

Henry: All right, let's start with the first.

Alex: Do you have a last name?

Henry: Actually, I have several. The official family name is Hanover-Stuart. My father's surname was Fox. So my full name is Henry George Edward James Hanover-Stuart Fox.

Alex (whistles): And I thought Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz was a mouthful.

Henry: He is.

Henry: We just have to keep it very casual, of course.

Alex: Oh. Obviously. The press and all.

Henry: I just can't afford for you to fall in love with me.

Alex: Oh.

Henry: Okay, wait a minute. No, that's not what I meant when I...

Alex: Get over yourself, Your Majesty.

Henry: It's "Your Royal Highness." I don't know how many times I have to tell you that.

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