Star Wars: The Clone Wars Quotes

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Palpatine: There is a disturbance in the force. Your assassin, she has become very powerful.

Count Dooku: Yes, my lord. She is quite important to me.

Palpatine: Too important.

Count Dooku: Master...

Palpatine: Silence. I can sense her powers growing stronger. I would hate to think you are training your own sith... apprentice to destroy me.

Count Dooku: Never. My allegiance is to you and you alone.

Palpatine: Then you must prove it. Eliminate her.

Count Dooku: She's my most trusted...

Palpatine: I said eliminate her!

Count Dooku: As you wish, my lord.

Chancellor Palpatine: Isn't it remarkable, that one can have all the power in the galaxy, and yet the words of a single senator, can sway the thoughts of millions?

Mas Amedda: What do you plan to do about this?

Chancellor Palpatine: For now, we must adhere to the principles of our democracy. We must let the wheels of the senate turn.

(Padmé's speech to senate...)

Padmé Amidala: Teckla Minnau. Teckla is one of my aides. Like so many of the people that we tell ourselves we're here to serve, Teckla lives in a district that rarely has electricity and running water as a result of the war. Her children can now only bathe every two weeks, and they have no light in which to read or study at night. The Republic has always funded these basic services, but now, there are those who would divert the money to the war, with no thought for what the people need to survive. If not for people like Teckla and her children, who are we fighting for? My people, your people, all of our people. This war is meant to save them from suffering, not increase it. I support our brave soldiers, whether they come from the clone factories, or from any of the thousands of systems loyal to the Republic, but if we continue to impoverish our people, it is not on the battlefield where Dooku will defeat us, but in our own homes. Therefore, it is our duty and our responsibility to preserve the lives of those around us by defeating this bill.

Anakin Skywalker: I'm sorry your talks with Bonteri failed.

Ahsoka Tano: How did you know?

Anakin Skywalker: We have eyes and ears everywhere, Ahsoka. That was dangerous and careless, going to Raxus, not to mention illegal. You went too far this time.

Ahsoka Tano: You would do the same. You do the same all the time.

Anakin Skywalker: This was too much.

Ahsoka Tano: Maybe so. But I did realize something. The politics of this war, are not as black and white as I once thought they were.

Padmé Amidala: I am certain if you could convince your representatives to extend an olive branch of peace towards the Republic, there might be enough sympathy in the senate to finally open negotiations.

Miina Bonteri: I admire your spirit, Padmé. I can at least put the motion on the floor.

Padmé Amidala: Thank you, Miina. That's all I ask.

Miina Bonteri: To peace, then.

Padmé Amidala: To hope.

Padmé Amidala: You just gave me an idea. You're a Jedi, which gives you special clearance.

Ahsoka Tano: Right.

Padmé Amidala: And Jedi are allowed to travel to neutral worlds like Mandalore, where we could then board a cargo ship to a Separatist system.

Ahsoka Tano: Are you suggesting I use my status as a Jedi, to smuggle you behind enemy lines?

Padmé Amidala: It's just that you could get us through to meet with her, and I haven't seen her or her family, in so long.

Ahsoka Tano: Relax, I'll help you.

Ahsoka Tano (to Padmé): Master Skywalker and I hold what we call aggressive negotiations all the time. It's a shame you can't hold more peaceful talks when you want.

Ahsoka Tano: Truthfully, I don't understand any of it. I know the Separatists are evil, but all anyone argued about was banking deregulation, interest rates and, well, almost nothing about why we're fighting in the first place.

Anakin Skywalker: War's complicated, Ahsoka, but let me simplify it. The Separatists believe the Republic is corrupt, but they're wrong, and we have to restore order.

Padmé Amidala: Maybe talking to the Jedi council isn't the role for you, after all. Thanks for your help. Come on, Ahsoka.

Anakin Skywalker: Hey!

Padmé Amidala: You told me to teach her about politics. So I'm going to.

Cad Bane: I'm your worst nightmare, pal.

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