Games Quotes

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I'm not a photographer, but I can picture you and me together.

Clem: I'm really gonna miss Gabe. I mean -- he's super annoying sometimes, but... I've gotten used to having him around. At least, to have someone to talk to. Even if he is a total dork.

Javi: Not that he said anything to me in particular, but... You know the guy's got a mondo crush on you, right?

Clem: Agh! He does not!

Javi: Oh my gosh, you have a crush on him, too!

Clem: I do not!

Javi: Ah, you both have my blessing.

Clem: I'm going to stab you with those scissors!

David (to Javi): You know what Pa told me... the day Gabe was born? "It takes everything... to raise a child, mijo. And I don't mean money or time or patience. I mean... everything." When you give everything, it's hard to know what to do when you... Lose everything.

Clem (about Tripp): He went out fighting. I hope I do, too.

David: I'm going to keep you alive- keep all of us alive - and hope that that's enough... Enough for atonement.

Gabe: "Never be like your uncle!" He told me that all the time. Don't be a man who relies on other people to solve your problems... Because then you're not a man at all. I used to think he was right. Not anymore, though, Javi. I can only hope I grow up to be like you.

Pa: You know, I prayed for daughters - every night your mother was pregnant with both of you. "Please, God! A daughter! Anything but a son - anything but another me. Anything, but another hot-headed idiot with his heart in the right place. Anything but another foolhardy, handsome gambler. Anything at all."

Ava: From the first time we met, right here, surrounded by absolute hell... You and AJ were a light in the darkness; hope for a better world! That's who you are. Promise me you'll never lose that light. Please... it's what makes you special, Clem. It's what keeps the rest of us going.

Clem: Okay. I promise

Ava:  You're a tough kid. Don't change.

Ava (to Clem): Even if it feels wrong, people can still be trying to do the right thing by you.

Clem: I already felt like a mom. Even Eva would have to admit I was a good mom to AJ.

Javi (to Gabe): Some decisions, you make them in a split second and then have to carry them the rest of your life.

Clem: Emotions aren't picky. They get the better of all of us eventually.

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