Sabine Wren Quotes

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(The weapon is electrocuting everyone who has Stormtrooper armor, Sabine is looking at Saxon as he's caught in it too...)

Sabine Wren: Mandalore must be free!

Bo-Katan Kryze: At what cost?

Sabine Wren: To beat the Empire, this is the only way.

Bo-Katan Kryze: It's not our way. It's their way. You came here to make things right. Will the future of Mandalore be one of honor or cowardice? Hope or fear? The choice is yours.

Sabine Wren: For Mandalore.

Bo-Katan Kryze: For Mandalore.

(Sabine stops the weapon...)

(Explosions in the distance...)

Sabine Wren: Yep, that's my mom.

Ezra Bridger: Blowing things up definitely runs in your family.

Sabine Wren: It's a Wren specialty.

Sabine Wren: Everything I did was for family, for Mandalore! I built weapons, terrible weapons, but the Empire used them on Mandalore, on friends, on family. People that I knew. They controlled us through fear. Mandalore! Fear of weapons I helped create. I helped enslave my people! I wanted to stop it. I had to stop it. I spoke out! I spoke out to save them. To save everyone! But when I did... My family didn't stand with me. They chose the Empire. They left me. Gave me no choice. The Empire wanted to destroy worlds. And they did. They destroyed mine.

Sabine Wren: When you said you were going to be training me, I thought there'd be more sword fighting involved.

Ezra Bridger: Hey, it's always like this. He was the same with me.

Kanan Jarrus: Yeah, and look how well you've turned out.

Sabine Wren: Are you being serious? Is he being serious?

Ezra Bridger: I can never tell.

Sabine Wren: Hey, why can't we just practice back at the base?

Kanan Jarrus: It's better out here. Fewer distractions. Keeps your mind focused.

Ezra Bridger: And it's safer for everyone else. You'll do less damage.

Sabine Wren: I'll damage you if you don't shut up.

(On Geonosis...)

Sabine Wren: Stupid sand. Gets everywhere.

Sabine Wren (about Hera): I'm surprised she got on the ship.

Kanan Jarrus: I told her I had a plan.

Sabine Wren: Really? And she left anyway?

Kanan Jarrus: Very funny. Come on.

Sabine Wren: So what do you need us for? Why not use your own crew?

Hondo Ohnaka: Now trust me, that is a long, boring story. No, no, no, my friends, you are the guys for this job.

Kanan Jarrus: If the Empire couldn't salvage the ship, what hope do we have?

Hondo Ohnaka: Because we have something in our favor that the Empire does not, for we are desperate!

Hera Syndulla: For once, he's right.

Hera Syndulla: If Kanan needs help, he'll call us.

Sabine Wren: Since when?

Hera Syndulla: Fine. If Chopper's in over his head, he'll hide and call us.

Sabine Wren: That's more believable!

Cham Syndulla: Cham Syndulla at your service.

Sabine Wren: The Liberator of Ryloth. I studied your Clone War tactics at the Academy.

Cham Syndulla: Yes. The Empire is still trying to figure out how to beat me. These are two of my finest warriors. Numa and Gobi.

Hera Syndulla: I hear we're taking prisoners now.

Kanan Jarrus: I like to think of him more as a reluctant recruit.

Sabine Wren: It was better than the alternative. We're not at war with the Protectors. There was no need to take their lives if we didn't have to.

Hera Syndulla: Hmm. Sabine, you're sounding more like a Jedi than a Mandalorian.

Sabine Wren: Well, I guess I've just been raised right.

Kanan Jarrus: Are you feeling better now? You got to blow stuff up.

Sabine Wren: I thought you'd be happy I didn't kill anyone.

Kanan Jarrus: Actually, I'm thrilled.

Mandalorian #1: What's your house?

Sabine Wren: I'm Clan Wren, House Vizsla.

Mandalorian #2: House Vizsla?

Mandalorian #1: She's Death Watch.

Mandalorian #2: Traitor!

Sabine Wren: My mother was, but I'm not.

Sabine Wren: I think I brought enough explosives.

Kanan Jarrus: You always bring enough explosives.

Kanan Jarrus: We need to recruit the Mandalorians to join the rebellion.

Sabine Wren: The Protectors almost killed Hera. What are you thinking?

Kanan Jarrus: I'm thinking we can still offer them a chance to change. Everyone deserves a chance.

Sabine Wren: You know, this Jedi philosophy stuff doesn't work for everyone.

Kanan Jarrus: That's why we're at war.

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