Penelope Featherington Quotes

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Colin Bridgerton: Your dreams are grander than you let on, Pen.

Penelope Featherington: Yes, they are mere fantasies, but I do believe we must allow ourselves those private moments so we may face reality armed with our reveries.

Penelope Featherington: I am certain you will find your purpose one day. Everyone must eventually.

Colin Bridgerton: Have you found yours?

Penelope Featherington: Of course not. But I imagine it to be something both animating and satisfying. The type of venture that speaks not to who I am but rather who I am to be. My purpose will challenge me to be brave and witty. My purpose will propel me far beyond the watchful glare of my mama. My purpose shall set me free.

Colin Bridgerton: What could possibly measure up to all that?

Portia Featherington: Nothing makes the ton come alive like a fresh scandal.

Jack Featherington: All eyes and ears seem to be open for the freshest detail. I suppose all we must do now is redirect their attention.

Lady Whistledown: A march down the aisle may very well be the longest walk any young lady ever takes. It does not simply cover the length of the church, but rather, countless floors for dancing, and meandering paths for every afternoon promenade too. It is a wonder, then, that feet do not tire or, heaven forbid, trip under the scrutiny of all those attentive eyes keeping close watch, indeed.

Lady Whistledown: Duty. More than laws or faith, I have often thought it the bond that holds our fragile society together. Duty to rank and title. Fidelity to one's family name. It demands both utter obedience and total sacrifice. But what happens when such duty is in conflict with the heart's true desire? Why, then, there is the potential for a considerable scandal, indeed. The only question is, will the parties in question heed my warning? Or is it already too late to turn back to duty and away from desire?

Penelope Featherington (to Madame Delacroix): It is your job to be observant, is it not? To hide your clients' secrets with a well-draped piece of fabric or a cleverly embellished rosette, just as I too hide. Behind my pen.

Lady Whistledown: There are two things that lurk within the dark and shadowy places of our fair city. Vermin and secrets. I shall leave it to you, dear reader, as to which do the most harm.

Colin Bridgerton: So I cleared my head, swore off women and love, and... Well, I only wanted to fully understand myself before stepping back into this world.

Penelope Featherington: You've sworn off women, then?

Colin Bridgerton: Well, for the time being.

Penelope Featherington: I am a woman.

Colin Bridgerton: You are Pen. You do not count. You are my friend.

Penelope Featherington: Of course. Your friend. How good to hear that.

Colin Bridgerton: I was not exactly lonely on my travels. I did begin a real conversation with someone. Someone I had known for a very long time. And yet, after everything that happened with Miss Thompson, I realized I never truly knew this person at all. Myself.

Penelope Featherington: Yourself?

Colin Bridgerton: I have you to thank. Your letters were so encouraging. I thought, if Penelope can see me this way, then surely I can too.

Lady Whistledown: While this author finds Miss Edwina Sharma to be an exceptional young lady, it is about time I used these pages of record for something else. A shift. Is the entire practice of naming a diamond not... well, rather ridiculous? Should a woman not be valued for so much more than her dancing skills or her comportment? Should we not value a woman instead for her candor, her character, her true accomplishments? Perhaps if the queen abandoned this absurdity that is the diamond, we would all see that a woman can be so much more.

Eloise Bridgerton: Do you think that is why Cressida is so cruel?

Penelope Featherington: No. I think she just wears her hair too tight.

Penelope Featherington (to Eloise): No one truly notices me. I suppose that is what I like. When you're invisible, you have all the amusement you want without any of the expectations popularity brings. It frees you.

Lady Whistledown: The brighter a lady shines, the faster she may burn.

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