North Quotes

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Markus: If they attack, no one will survive... There's no other way out. They're going to kill us... The only hope we have left is that we don't die for nothing...

North: You're the hope of our people. I trust you. We all trust you. No matter what happens now, we're making history.

Markus: We came here to demonstrate peacefully and tell humans that we are living beings. All we want is to live free.

Police: This is an illegal gathering. Disperse immediately or we will open fire.

Markus: We're not looking for confrontation. We've done no harm, we have no intention of doing any... But know that we are not going anywhere until we have secured our freedom.

Police: I repeat: this is an illegal gathering. If you do not disperse immediately, we will shoot!

North: Markus, they're gonna kill us... We have to attack! There's more of us, we can take them!

Josh: If we attack, we'll start a war. We have to show them we're not violent. We should just stand our ground, even if it means dying here.

Police: This is your last chance! Disperse immediately or you will all be killed!

Markus: We have to show them we won't back down. We stay right here.

(Police shoots down some of the androids)


Josh: We have to make a statement. We have to stay put, no matter what.

North: Please, Markus. We can't let them slaughter us without fighting back!

Markus: We're not moving.

(Police shoots again)

North: Markus! What are you doing? They're gonna kill us all!

(Markus decides to sacrifice himself, gets shot, but other get him to safety thanks to John)

North: I was nothing... A doll in a distributor programmed to satisfy humans... Just a toy designed for their pleasure... One day, I was with a man who'd rented me... and without knowing why, realized I couldn't take it anymore... I strangled him... and I ran away...

Josh: Our broadcast is all over the news. Now humans know...

North: It was a mistake to reach out to them. They'll never negotiate with their slaves. We should have shown them that we're prepared to fight.

Josh: Violence is never the answer. Dialogue is the only way, I'm sure the humans will listen to us.

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