Dean Winchester Quotes

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Sam Winchester: When it comes to you, you just throw in the towel? Or are you sorry that, after all these years, our entire lives, a-after I've looked up to you, after I've learned from you, I-I-I've copied you, I followed you to Hell and back, are you sorry that all of that... it... it... it means nothing now?

Dean Winchester: Who's saying that?

Sam Winchester: You are, when you tell me I have to kill you. When you're telling me that I have to just throw away everything we stand for, throw away faith, throw away family. We're the guys who save the world. We don't just check out of it!

Dean Winchester: There's one thing you can cook better than anybody on the planet.

Mary Winchester: Winchester Surprise?

Dean Winchester: Yeah.

Mary Winchester: I can't believe you remember that. I can't believe I ever fed that to you and John. It was so greasy, like... Heart attack on a plate.

Dean Winchester: A delicious heart attack on a plate, okay? I would like mine with extra cheese.

Mary Winchester: All right, then.

Dean Winchester: Yes. (Mary turns around to go grocery shopping) Oh, and, uh...

Mary Winchester: Pie!

Dean Winchester: Get out of my head.

Michael: You don't mean that, Dean, not really. You may lie to them, but, deep down, I know you. I am you. You only tolerate the angel because you think you owe him, because he "gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition." Or whatever. But since then, what has he done? Only made mistakes, one after the other. And, Sam... oh, Sam... You know, Dean was his happiest when you quit hunting, leaving him with your dad, just the two of them. See, deep down, he knows that you will always abandon him, again and again.

Dean Winchester: Shut up!

Michael: You don't need them. You don't even like them. They're not your family... they're your responsibilities. They're a weight around your neck. And deep down, you wanted... you were desperate to get away from them. And that is why you said yes.

(Dean and Jack are fishing...)

Dean Winchester: You are a cheap date. This certainly isn't Tahiti.

Jack: You once told me you and your father did the exact same thing. It was your happiest memory of him.

Dean Winchester: I didn't say that.

Jack: It was how you said it. I could tell. I guess my point is that... if I don't make it... The stuff I'd miss... it wouldn't be things like Tahiti. Or the Taj Mahal. I'd miss more time with you. I'm getting that life isn't all these big, amazing moments. It's time together that matters. Like this.

Dean Winchester: Well, who'd have thought hanging out with me would make you sentimental?

Jack: I've had a good life, Dean.

Jack: Since I've been alive, everyone assumed I would be this special "person" who goes on forever. Only now it looks like forever might be a couple of weeks, so...

Dean Winchester: We don't know that.

Jack: What I do know is I'm done being special. Before my life is over, I want to live it. I-I just want a chance to... get a tan... to see a hockey game... get a parking ticket... get bored... and when it's all over... die.

Dean Winchester (to Jack): Eat up. Pie's important.

Dean Winchester: Next year, we're doing Halloween right, okay? I'm thinking matching outfits like, uh... Batman and Robin.

Sam Winchester: No.

Dean Winchester: Bert and Ernie.

Sam Winchester: No.

Dean Winchester: That's weird.

Sam Winchester: Yes.

Dean Winchester: Uh... Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Sam Winchester: Dean...

Dean Winchester: Shaggy and Scooby.

Sam Winchester: Why would we...

Dean Winchester: Turner and Hooch. Ren and Stimpy.

Sam Winchester: Come on, now.

Dean Winchester: Thelma and Louise.

Sam Winchester: Thelma and...

Dean Winchester: We just put it in drive and go.

Dean Winchester: Got to love the Internet, where everyone can be a dick.

Dean Winchester: It's just every time I think about it, you know, it's like a... it's like a nightmare. I mean, I can't eat. I can't sleep. It's always just there, watching.

Sam Winchester: Dean, it's just a beard. I've been a little busy lately.

Dean Winchester: Yeah, well, that's not an excuse. You know, 'cause, "Duck Dynasty" called, and they just... they want it all back.

Sam Winchester: Some people say I look good.

Dean Winchester: No. No, Sam. No people say that.

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