Amy Farrah Fowler Quotes

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Amy Farrah Fowler: The last time we were in this room, we were getting married.

Sheldon Cooper: I remember. It's a lot less impressive without Mark Hamill in it.

Amy Farrah Fowler: That's what you said about our honeymoon.

Sheldon Cooper: And I stand by it.

Amy Farrah Fowler: You guys will never believe what just happened.

Rajesh Koothrappali: Yeah, we heard. You did it.

Sheldon Cooper: We did do it.

Amy Farrah Fowler: And we didn't even know we did it!

Howard Wolowitz: Wait, what?

Sheldon Cooper: Two physicists in Chicago had to tell us.

Leonard Hofstadter: Wait, what?

Sheldon Cooper: Their experiment on kaon decay supported our predictions on the higher order corrections pertaining to super-asymmetry.

Penny Hofstadter: Wait, what?

Amy Farrah Fowler: A team of physicists confirmed super-asymmetry. Our paper was right. We did it.

Sheldon Cooper: We did it?

Amy Farrah Fowler: We did it.

Sheldon Cooper: We did it.

Amy and Sheldon (screaming): We did it! We did it! We did it!

(Rest of the gang can hear them outside of the appartment)

Penny Hofstadter: Aw, remember when they only did it on her birthday?

Amy Farrah Fowler: Did you even read the article? Because I talk about you continuously.

Sheldon Cooper: I know, and it just made you sound modest and charming.

Amy Farrah Fowler: Why can't you just be proud of me?

Sheldon Cooper: I am proud of you.

Amy Farrah Fowler: Really? Because you sound jealous.

Sheldon Cooper: Well, I'm that, too. I've seen Inside Out. I know I can feel two things at once. (Bernadette shoots them both with a paintball gun...) Well, now I feel three things.

Sheldon Cooper: I've been acting like the game is over, but it's only halftime. And there's a lot more physics left to play.

Amy Farrah Fowler: Wow, was that your first ever sports metaphor?

Sheldon Cooper: It was. And I think it was a home run. That's two.

(Amy and Sheldon are watching old video of young Sheldon)

Amy Farrah Fowler: Oh, look how cute you were.

Sheldon Cooper: Amy please, of course I was cute. Look how I turned out.

Amy Farrah Fowler: It is the emergency pep talk you made when you were a kid.

Sheldon Cooper: Oh, that. I was saving it for the day they stop making Star Wars movies. I don't think that's ever gonna happen.

Amy Farrah Fowler: How long has it been since you've seen it?

Sheldon Cooper: Not since the day I recorded it. No, I had just watched Back to the Future II, where Marty McFly gets a glimpse of his future self and that got me thinking, the day may come where I needed my help, like they did with that movie. That was not great.

Leonard Hofstadter: I have something that might help. It's-it's a recording of the only person whose opinion Sheldon actually respects.

Amy Farrah Fowler: Hawking? Feynman?

Leonard Hofstadter: No, himself. It's a pep talk he made when he was a kid. He gave it to me years ago and told me to save it for a real emergency.

Penny Hofstadter: What? You didn't break it out when he declared his room a sovereign nation and waged a trade war against us?

Leonard Hofstadter: His major export is talking. I didn't want that anyway.

(Penny explains to others what not to say infront of Amy and Sheldon to not make them upset...)

Penny Hofstadter: We should just try and avoid anything that makes them think of their project or science or Nobel Prizes or successes or failures.

(Amy and Sheldon walk in...)

Amy Farrah Fowler: What are you guys doing?

Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz: Nothing.

Sheldon Cooper: Nothing? Like what my career has come to? Thanks a lot.

(Sheldon storms out of the room)

Howard Wolowitz: Nice going.

Amy Farrah Fowler: What do you guys think you're doing?

Rajesh Koothrappali: We're showing Sheldon "Halloween".

Amy Farrah Fowler: Absolutely not. Sheldon, come home.

Sheldon Cooper: But I really want to watch it.

Amy Farrah Fowler: I know you do, but I am forbidding it.

Sheldon Cooper: Oh, man. Sorry, guys. (Amy and Sheldon leave...) What took you so long?

Amy Farrah Fowler: I'm sorry. I just got your text!

Amy Farrah Fowler: Who's Tam?

Sheldon Cooper: He was my best friend in the whole world growing up.

Amy Farrah Fowler: Really? Why have I never heard you mention him before?

Sheldon Cooper: Oh, of course I have. I'm sure I've mentioned him, like, five times this week.

Amy Farrah Fowler: I don't think you have.

Sheldon Cooper: Tam! Tam! Tam! Tam! Tam! There, it's only Thursday.

Amy Farrah Fowler: I didn't just drink the crazy milk, I bought the crazy cow.

Amy Farrah Fowler: What the hell, Penny?!

Penny Hofstadter: I'm gonna need more than that.

Amy Farrah Fowler: You're not having kids? How could you do this to me?

Penny Hofstadter: How is it any of your business?

Amy Farrah Fowler: Because your kids were supposed to be friends with my kids. Who's gonna be friends with them now?

Penny Hofstadter: They will find other friends.

Amy Farrah Fowler: Oh, sure, 'cause Sheldon's DNA plus my DNA equals a kid who knows how to make friends. Grow up!

Mark Hammil: Amy, do you take Sheldon for your lawful wedded husband?

Amy Farrah Fowler: I do.

Mark Hammil: And, Sheldon, same thing.

Sheldon Cooper: I do.

Mark Hammil: Then by the power vested in me by I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

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